Anglian Internet’s Hosted Voice VoIP service is a fully hosted and managed telephony service.
Seats are destinations for callers, and are the endpoint for calls to an agent.
Nickname: The nickname is one assigned by the customer in order to associate the seat with an agent or purpose.
Ring time: This is the how long the seat will ring for before diverting or going to voicemail.
Name: When the seat makes a call, assuming the phone being called has a screen and is on a compatible VoIP service, this is the name that will appear on the callee's screen.
Number: This is the outgoing number that is shown when the seat makes a call. You can choose from all telephone numbers available in the account.
Withhold Caller ID: You can choose to withhold the caller ID when making calls from the seat. If you wish to do this, please tick the box.
Type: When a caller is placed on hold by the seat, this is the music that they will hear. You can have custom music or custom messages played here by emailing your wholesaler support directly.
Location: The location set here is used for 999 emergency calls.
Basic: Basic voicemail is the generic voicemail service, where a message is heard by a caller and they are told to leave a message.
Advanced: This is an upgraded voicemail service. It will give the caller an option to press a button to be taken to an operator, or leave a message.
Disabled: This will disable voicemail messages on the seat.
Name: This is the name of the recipient for emails to the seat agent alerting them to a voicemail message on the server.
Email: This is the email address of the recipient for emails to the seat agent alerting them to a voicemail message on the server.
Remote access: When accessing voicemail from an off-platform phone, this is the number you will dial to access individual extension inboxes. The pin is unique and should be protected.
Divert all: This will divert all calls to the seat to the number in this field.
On Busy: This will divert incoming calls to the seat when the seat is busy, to the number in this field.
On No Answer: This will divert incoming calls to the seat when there is no answer, to the number in this field.
On Fallover: This will divert all the calls to the seat to the number in this field, when the seat is offline.
Enable Call Recording: By ticking this, call recording will be enabled on this seat. Call recordings can be found in the call recordings tab on the left.
Call Groups are groups of extensions that are all able to pick up calls directed to the same telephone number. They are useful for any business that employs multiple staff performing similar roles, or have cross-over expertise.
The Call Group configured below will be used as the example, and all further example situations will be derived from the settings within it.
There are currently two available ring types. These are Ring all, and Round Robin.
Ring all: Rings all seats currently in the Call Group.
Round Robin: Rings all seats in the order set in the Call Group.
Ring time: How long each phone will ring for before going to the Fallover location (in Round Robin, after the last extension has rung through the Call will go to the Fallover location).
Caller ID prefix: This prefixes the Caller ID string with a text prefix to identify which telephone number the Caller dialled before coming to the Call group. This is useful when a seat is in multiple call groups and must be able to identify the purpose of the call.
Music on hold: This is the music the caller will hear while on hold in the group.
Fallover Location: This is the location the caller will be taken to if the call is not answered by any extensions in the call group.
Members: These are all the seats available to take calls within the call group.
MTWTFSS: These are the days of the week that users are active, and able to take calls. For example, in the Call group set up, no members are available to take calls on Saturday and Sunday. On these days all calls will direct straight to the Fallover Location.
Start time: This is the time that the user will begin receiving calls that come through to the call group.
End time: This is the time that the user will stop receiving calls that come through to the call group.
Delay: Delays are used to allow some seats to have the opportunity to pick up any incoming calls before a seat with a delay can. If a delay is in place, it will only begin to ring after the time in the delay lapses.
Time profiles are essentially built in timers on the platform. They are useful for any business not operating 24/7, or who want different destinations for calls to their company after a certain time. A Time Profile is a useful tool whenever either an entire business has times of Inactivity, or certain users have times of Inactivity.
There are two time groups within a time profile; Active, and Inactive. Users select the Active times from the configuration screen above; any times where the profile is not active will automatically be considered Inactive. For the majority of users, the Active time will be when there are agents at seats available to take calls (0900-1700, Mon-Fri). The Inactive times will be any times that no one will be available at the usual seat to answer the call (1700-0900, Mon-Fri, and all day Saturday and Sunday).
If a time profile is set as the first destination of a telephone number, all calls going through that telephone number will be screened by the time profile. If a caller dials through at 1300 on Monday, they will be continue to the Active Destination (Seat – 203). If a caller dials through at 1800 on Monday, they will be taken to the Inactive Destination (Voicemail – Central).
You are able to set messages for both the Active Destination and Inactive Destination. These can be custom prompts uploaded by the customer. If the customer does not want the caller to know there is an active time profile, the Active Destination can be set to None. The caller will then continue directly to the destination set in Destination.
Time Profiles can also be used in other areas of the account, and are not limited to the initial destination of a call.
For instance, where multiple call groups exist, and are accessed after an IVR, a Time Profile could be instituted before a certain Call Group if their circumstances warrant it (such as one call group starting at 11am, as opposed to 9am). Time profiles can also be used to limit certain users extensions, who have different hours of work.
To set a Time Profile as the initial destination of a call, remember to point the Telephone number at the Time Profile. This can be configured from the 'Telephone Numbers' page of your portal or control panel.
Call Records are records of all calls made and received on platform. Call records are kept for two years.
Voicemail is a feature on the VOBX that allows you to see what voicemails are in the inbox, and gives you the option to download them. Voicemail messages are kept on the server for 15 days before being deleted. However, all voicemails are also sent via email to the email address in the account details. To access central voicemail, please dial 1572 from a telephone number provided through our service. To access individual mailboxes, please dial 1571 from a telephone number provided through our service. Voicemail messages are set by dialling 1572 (for Central mailbox) or 1571 (Individual mailboxes).
If you would like to know more about our telecoms offerings please fill in the form and one of our team will be in touch.
If you would prefer to speak to a member of our team please call us today on 01603 400200.